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Communications and Media Relations Committee


Sylvia Niehuis, Texas Tech University, USA


Per IARR Bylaws, the Communications and Media Relations Committee "has responsibility for all aspects of establishing contact with the media in order to encourage positive and favorable relations between relationship scholars and established media outlets. This committee will assist IARR members in the dissemination of their scholarship to the public via media outlets. This may include, but not be limited to, establishing a list of IARR members who are willing to talk to the media on various topics, highlighting articles from Association journals for the media to promote, promoting media presence at Association meetings, and networking with media contacts."


RRN November 2022: Updates and an Invitation


Karen Blair, Trent University, Canada
Isabel Henry, Colorado State University, USA
C. Rebecca Oldham, Middle Tennessee State University, USA
Terri Orbuch, Oakland University, USA
