Online Studies on Relationship Issues

This page contains links to several web-based surveys, experiments, or announcements of remote interview opportunities posted by IARR members.

If you are an IARR member who would like to add a link to your IRB-approved study click here to provide additional information. Note that many university IRB/Ethics Review committees will require that you have obtained permission for collecting data in this platform, and it might require that you send in a modification request.

If you are an instructor of a class and would like to build an assignment or extra credit opportunity around having your students complete one or more of the studies and answer other questions about them, click here for example directions and an assignment that can be used and adapted. In accordance with many IRB/Ethics Review committees, make sure that students also have a non-research opportunity to earn the credit.

If you are someone interested in participating in one or more of these studies, you are free to do so as long as you are eligible to participate and meet the selection criteria provided by the researcher. All studies will require that you be age 18 or older, and some may have other requirements (e.g., being in a romantic relationship of a certain length). Please do not start a researcher’s survey unless you have read carefully the informed consent page and are confident that you qualify for the study and have the time and interest in completing the survey in an honest and thorough way. IARR is dedicated to a scientific enterprise based on valid and thoughtfully-provided data. Note that some could be announcements of non-survey studies or involve an opportunity to sign up for a study and be contacted at a later time by the investigator.

Please direct any questions about the study to the researcher(s) listed in the Informed Consent page. Although IARR representatives will look over the study and request certification from the researcher for their IRB/Ethics approval prior to having the study posted, IARR does not monitor compliance with IRB/Ethics policies and procedures from the different universities and is not responsible for any negative consequences associated with participation in any of the studies.

(IARR wishes to thank Scott Plous of Wesleyan University, who manages the Social Psychology Network, for advice on how to post online surveys and for his service in posting many relationship surveys over the years.)

Available Online Studies

How Do You Engage with Facebook? (Claire Hart, University of Southampton,
We are conducting a study to better understand how our personality and Facebook use is associated with our social relationships. To participate, you must be 18 years or older, a fluent English speaker, have posted at least 10 status updates in the past year, and be willing to share your posts with us. Prizes available for taking part!

Attitudes and Emotions in the Workplace (Michelle Luke, University of Sussex,
We are looking for people aged 18 and over in full time or part time employment to complete a 15 minute survey about your relationships and emotions at work. The survey is anonymous and you are free to leave any questions that you do not want to answer blank.

Relationships in a Celiac World (Susan Boon, University of Calgary,
If you are 18 or over and living with celiac disease and in a romantic relationship or in a romantic relationship with someone with celiac disease, please help us better understand how celiac disease affects romantic relationships. Respondents can enter to win a $50 INDIGO.CA (or equivalent) gift card.

Experiences and Views of Those Participating in Sugar Dating Arrangements (Lucia O’Sullivan, University of New Brunswick,
We are surveying people who have participated in a sugar relationship(s), which is an increasingly common type of transactional dating relationship involving (typically) an older person who spends time with and money (or gifts) on a younger person in what is considered a mutually beneficial relationship. The survey will take 15-20 minutes.

Social Adaptation to Stress (Ashley Randall and Lauren Hocker, Arizona State University, or
We are looking for participants to participate in a multi-nation study which aims to examine cross-cultural differences between coping responses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Social Support and Chronic Illnesses: A Needs Assessment (Support Provider) (Emiko Taniguchi, University of Hawaii at Manoa,
This study examines the experiences of individuals who provide support to a family member, friend, or romantic partner who has on-going mental or physical health issue(s). You may participate in this 15-minute survey if you believe you provide some type of support to this person and if you are at least 18 years old.

Social Support and Chronic Illnesses: A Needs Assessment (Emiko Taniguchi, University of Hawaii at Manoa,
This study examines support-related needs of individuals who have on-going mental or physical health issue(s). It will take about 15 minutes to complete an online survey. You must (a) be at least 18 years old and (b) have on-going mental or physical health issue(s) to participate in this study.

Satisfaction and Self-Expansion in Romantic Relationships (Mahzad Hojjat, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth,
This study is designed to examine factors that make a relationship successful. It will take at most 40 minutes of your time to complete the questionnaire, and the only requirement is that you should be currently in a romantic relationship that has lasted at least two years.

Coping with Joint Relational Stressors During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Christine Lomore, St. Francis Xavier University,
This study examines stressors that are shared by partners in a relationship and that occurred as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, it will look at how people coped with these stressors. If you have been in a romantic relationship during the pandemic, please click on the title to learn more about this study.

The Many Faces of Parental Separation: Effects of Prolonged Absence From One or Both Parents (Elaine Scharfe, Trent University,
In this study, we are exploring the effects of being separated from a parent as a child for at least one month. We are also interested in whether the separation has a different impact depending on the reason for the separation and length of separation. Participants (who must be age 18 or older) will complete surveys about the separation(s) and their views of relationships.

Perceived Characteristics of Effective Teachers (Julie Verette Lindenbaum, Russell Sage College,
You will be asked to think about your most effective teachers, and describe why they were so effective. You will also be asked to describe how you tend to think about challenges. You must be at least 18 years old to participate in this study.

CARE Couples Study (Belinda Campos, University of CA, Irvine,
You are invited to participate in an online research study examining how couples navigate life events. Participation involves a 3-hour session in which you and your partner will complete a number of tasks online that involve filling out questionnaires, watching videos, and engaging in discussion tasks.